
One photo from today

Need I say more?

-- Post From My iPhone


Homemade rocker part duex

After the success of the Powspatiplus, and my recent love affair with Mavens, I decided that I needed a touring ski with rocker. Unfortunately most rockered skis are 120mm wide monsters that make for wonderful touring setups if you're using lifts or helicopters. Unfortunately the touring community hasn't quite gotten the whole fun shape thing so there is a paucity of shapes in the 99-105mm waist range that have rocker. So never being one to let the facts stop me it was time to create one. For this I chose my bluehouse districts, they're fairly lightweight, wide, and aren't foam cored. Now the one issue is the lack of any metal whatsoever. With the pow plus it's very simple, bend metal and you have rocker. I'm not sure how this will work without something to hold the bend. My hope is that pressure and time will be sufficent enough to "warp" the core into a reverse curve.

-- Post From My iPhone


On the plane from Louisville to Baltimore and wanted to post some photos

My dad

Daniel, Ethan, and Will

Ethans photo of Christina

Say cheese

-- Post From My iPhone


Catching up

well now, I haven't posted anything resembling ski stoke for QUITE some time now

In the words of the Joker "here we go"

First up we've got the Mini-animal at age 4 deciding that skiing forwards is so 3 year old

And for all those closet Jamie Pierre fans, YES he did ride it to the road :-)

Next up we've got 2 days of POV footage from Magic

Day one was pretty solid, if unspectacular, had a bit of an ice crust in spots, but once that got skiied, it was just fun to get out there and charge

Thin Cover charging

Magic Mountain Pinhead shows us some tele steeze

Bumpskier ripping it up

Day two was probably one of the best days of the year at Magic thus far, we got 6-10" of blower new snow and it was fantastic skiing

Once again Thin Cover shows us how its done

 KillWW slaying it on Lhasa Pows

And to top it off I spent Monday afternoon poking around in the BC for some fresh, found a nice new line that will be pretty good once we get a little more snow


I have now seen everything

It's snowing in Orlando!

-- Post From My iPhone

Happy New Year

So we're a day late

-- Post From My iPhone

Test track

-- Post From My iPhone


It's a small world

God I hate that song and mini is bummed beyond belief that his boat is blue and not yellow

-- Post From My iPhone


-- Post From My iPhone
