thoughts, ramblings, and trivial matters not worth the time it took to read this text
Home Built Spatula's
A couple of pictures on how to home bend a pair of skis so that they have reverse camber. Word of warning these are OLD school Atomic Powder Plus's with a full wood core plus a couple of layers of metal so they're really solid. I would not recomend doing this with a foam core ski as you're likely to snap it. All you have to do is find something to wedge the tip or tail under, then bend it back and secure it, leave it there for a few days, then reverse and repeat. I'm interested to see how these are going to ski this upcoming season. Carefull not to get too aggressive with the bend as it is possible to either delam the topsheet or if you're not paying attention and the ski slips, you'll get a fully flexed ski coming at your dome.
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