Well , after four and a half years of abuse my leki triggerlocks finally gave up the ghost last weekend. So with High Adventure having Royal Shaft poles at close to 50% off it was time to at least try a composite pole. Granted I'm not a huge fan of composites given that aluminum poles are generally more durable and I tend to be hard on my gear, but Royal Shaft poles have a lifetime guaruntee and at 50% off who can argue?

Royal Shaft puts a different design on their poles for the fashion conciencious. I went with Pengiuns.(why penguins you ask? Why not)

One of the coolest features is the "easy in" strap. Its a piece of velcro that allows you to slip your hands in the pole without fighting with the strap. Given that I was coming from the leki trigger system which is REALLY easy to get in and out off, I appreaciate this feature. For those of you who ask "why is it important" I'll answer by saying that I'm NOT waiting for you on a powder day.
web www.theroyalshaft.com
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